Baked Plantain Tortillas (Gluten Free)



olive oil


leavening agents

1. Prep the plantains

Cut the tip off each end of a large plantain and slice lengthwise from end to end through the skin. Use your hands to remove the peel from the plantain then slice it into rounds.

2. Blend until smooth

Add the chopped plantain pieces and the rest of the ingredients to the bowl of a food processor. Blend until a smooth batter forms.

3. Form into rounds

Drop ¼ cup of batter onto a lined baking sheet then use a silicone spatula to spread the smooth puree into a thin round shape. Repeat with the rest of the batter.

4. Bake

Bake for 10 minutes in the middle of the oven. Let cool for a few minutes, then carefully peel off the lined baking sheet.

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